Triangle Mutual Aid—In Action

These are just a few photos of work we've been involved with in the community.

Super excited to get the door installed at the Rose of Sharon building site

Devin mudding the wall at the Rose of Sharon building site

Work-day crew at the Rose of Sharon building site

We all made it home safe!

Donatins Everett organized from Duke School

Bins we bought to pack donations into.

Loading our materials onto a box truck in Asheville for the trip onward to Louisiana

The box truck in Asheville packed floor-to-ceiling, front-to-back

Donations collected at the Carolina Friends School

Donations at our drop-off location in Hillsborough

Jamie convinced the State to donate some harm-reduction material

Loading a small jet with N-95 masks, headed to Houma, LA

Devin moves N-95 masks with a pink pallet jack

Devin on the tarmac with the jet

Christine with our van full of donated goods